Liberal Democrat Councillor for Merley & Bearwood ward Learn more
Policy Development and Decision Making
An important part of my work as your Councillor is to take part in the policy development and decision making forums of the Council. The main forum for this is the Full Council meetings attended by all Poole Councillors. There are numerous other committees working on aspects of the Council’s priorities.
In 2011 I was elected as Chairman of the Council’s Efficiency and Effectiveness Overview & Scrutiny Committee (looking at finances, property, resources, staffing, etc.). I also serve on the Audit Committee, Planning Committee, Licensing Committee and Grants Panel.
I also substitute for other Councillors on committees and on occasions I have sat on the Children & Young People’s Overview & Scrutiny Committee, Transport Advisory Group and Call-in Scrutiny Committee.
Every couple of months there are also ward based council committee meetings. The “Broadstone, Merley & Bearwood Area Meeting” covers these two wards and is held at a school or community building in these wards to enable the Council and ward Councillors to update residents on plans and issues. It is also an open forum for residents to ask questions and raise concerns with Councillors.
These meetings are only part of my Council responsibilities.
I deal with a wide range of casework for individual residents in the ward who may have issues or concerns which I am able to assist with. These issues cover Transport issues such as parking and road maintenance, Environmental issues such as litter and fly-tipping, Planning issues relating to specific planning applications and numerous other issues such as Housing, Education, Benefits and Social Care.
Community Leadership
As a ward based Councillor I am very close to the concerns and needs of local residents. I also have a unique position in being informed and involved in a range of community development projects across the ward.
I see it as a crucial part of the role of a Councillor to act as a Community Leader. This doesn’t just mean working with local residents and organisations to improve the life of local residents, but actually driving and leading these changes and fighting for the necessary support and resources to make these improvements.
On occasions, key issues may arise within the ward or in the town and it is a part of the role of a Councillor to campaign on these issues in the interests of local residents.
As a Liberal Democrat I believe in Localism and the importance of the involvement of local people in the decisions which affect their lives. I believe the most critical part of the role of a Councillor is to communicate with local residents, not just at election time but all year round, year in, year out.
That is why, since being elected in May 2007, your local Liberal Democrat team have published and delivered regular Focus newsletters across the ward to keep you informed on local issues and what we are doing for you.
That is why we have regular Advice Surgeries to meet residents when they have concerns they wish to discuss.
That is why I have set up this website so that you can easily find out what I am doing and how you can get in touch.